Annual Reports
Annual Reports
  • Year 2023
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2022
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2021
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2020
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2019
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2018
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2017
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2016
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2015
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2015
    20-F/A (pdf)
  • Year 2014
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2013
    20-F (pdf)
  • Year 2012
    20-F (pdf)


The Company’s shareholders may receive a hard copy of the Form 20-F, which includes the Company’s complete audited financial statements, free of charge by requesting a copy from the Company’s Investor Relations contact listed below:

Skyline Corporate Communications Group, LLC
Lisa Gray, Senior Account Manager
One Rockefeller Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10020
Office: (646) 893-5835